Our October 7th
featured 19 attendees, 4 speeches, and numerous “dignitaries” that ensured a
fluid and fulfilling meeting.
Ian Brooks,
our Toastmaster led our meeting with an action packed agenda.
Lauren Bruno,
our Quotemaster, explained that we are exactly where we should be….which was
certainly true for at least 18 Eagles and one guest.
Kat Calhoun,
our Humorist, told us why the scarecrow joined Toastmasters.
Ian served as the meeting’s Grammarian.
Jacqueline Fuller hijacked Ian’s Word of the Day responsibility by selecting
the word “so”. By doing “so”, Jacqueline shifted the count of this filler word
over to the Word of the Day.
Christine Austin was
Speaker #1 and Table Topicmaster. For this combined Speech/TT project, she led a
session of impromptu speaking on funny and animal stories. This led to a funny
moment where Ian exceeded his time limit because Ric Zabor (Timer)
forgot to track Ian’s time. It appears Ian’s riff on the pleasure of doing
nothing inspired Ric to do the same!
The next three
speakers shared the common thread of how to apply skills we learn from one time
and place can be applied elsewhere.
Speaker #2, Kate
Kelly, gave a speech about the “Famous Flying Fortress”. Kate’s inspiration
was from a book called “The Checklist Manifesto”. She explained how checklists,
a longstanding practice used by pilots, can be applied to other business
And speaking of
business endeavors, Ute Brinkmann, Speaker #3 shared her business acumen
with the club. As a small business owner with the gift of working with string
instruments, Ute explained how she has applied her business skills to generate
additional streams of income.
Speaker #4, Ross
Grippen, gave a thought provoking speech on the history of rhetoric. Ross
demonstrated how lessons learned by Plato over 2400 years ago are useful to all
of us today.
Thank you to all of
our functionaries, or as Sandra Centorino (General Evaluator) said
“dignitaries”. Our dignitaries included Jacqueline Fuller (Ah Counter),
Ric Krausz (Timer), Sandra Centorino (General Evaluator) and Speech Evaluators
(Kat Calhoun, Ric Krausz, Omar Ghannam, and Carlos Perez).
Our next meeting is
scheduled for October 21st and is a special meeting. Please log onto
Eagletoastmasters.com and sign up for a role!
Toastmasters Secretary
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