Friday, May 11, 2012

Eagle Toastmasters Public Speaking- Open House of May 7, 2012

Open House of May 7, 2012

President:  Kate thanked the Library for use of the facility for the Open House..

Today’s Toastmaster:  Uta

Humorist:   Tom Piekarski and Chandra

Word of the Day:  Tom C.-Abridge:  To shorten, to reduce as in an “abridged dictionary”


Quote:  Robin

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world!”

                                                                                                                       Anne Frank

Table Topics:  Richard—

For the final table topic, Chandra described the Table Topics Master, Rich, as being humorous, experienced, and full of mentoring advice that makes coming to Eagle Toastmasters very time efficient.

Ah-Counter:  Sonia

Timer:  Fred

Speaker 1, Robin—CC Manual; “Get comfortable with Visual Aids”; 5-7 minutes; “Skip the Chips” Robin came up with visuals to drive home the ways to observe a healthy lifestyle:

·         Skip the chips and eat carrots

·         Actually work out in the gym where you have a gym membership

·         Substitute whole wheat products for white bread

·         Perform jumping jacks as the weight bearing exercise that benefits the bones, thus decreasing the risk of debilitating osteoporosis

·         Walk for cardio-respiratory fitness; use hand weights to increase effectiveness

·         Do push-ups and sit-ups for core strength

·         Use the stairs instead of the elevator

·         Hold the roll when eating hamburgers

·         Skip French fries and soda

Speaker 2, Tom Corrigan—CC Manual; Speech #   ; “Say It Right”; Speak to Inform; Speak to Confuse”  Tom showed how simple explanations can make a complicated subject understandable.  He also pointed out how some use words to confuse the public, notable experts include the advertising profession and politicians.

Speaker 3, Kate Kelly—CC Manual; Speech #5 “To Inspire”

Kate shared a true, memorable incident during which her son Andrew  went out of his way to help a motorist in distress; this motorist’s husband was so appreciative of Andrew’s character that the husband gave him an internship that has become his dream job.

General Evaluator:  Robin Corrigan

Evaluator 1:  Ian for Robin—Robin presented another effective speech that we will remember because of the visual aids.

Evaluator 2:  Elaine for Tom C.—Tom chose to discuss “words”, reminding people to be cautious when interpreting the meaning behind words meant to sway the public.     .

Evaluator 3:  Eoj for Kate –Joe, alias Eoj, commented on how Kate inspired by appealing to the Head (intellect), Eye, and Heart of the Listener. 

Grammarian:  Fred

President:  Kate invited all members and guests to enjoy the refreshments.  Guests indicated that they would like to join Toastmasters. 

Meeting Minutes April 16, 2012

Meeting of April 16, 2012

Today’s Toastmaster:  Rachel Mele
Humorist:   Tom Corrigan
Quote:  Jessica
“Watch your thoughts for they become words
Watch your words for they become actions.
Watch your actions for they become habits.
Watch your habits for they become your character.
Watch your character for it becomes your destiny.”
Word of the Day:  Robin
Harbinger:  One that pioneers in initiating major change; an omen that foreshaows a future event. 
            The robin is a harbinger of spring. 
“Harbinger” was used 9 times during the meeting.

Table Topics:  Robin
Ah-Counter:  Tami
Timer:  Elaine
Speaker 1, Uta, Interpretive Reading #5 “The Wedding Story”; 8-10 minutes
Speaker 2, Sonia Dean; CC #1 Icebreaker; “Creating Me”; 4-6 minutes
Speaker 3, Lucy D”Angelo, CC #1 Icebreaker, 4-6 Minutes
General Evaluator:  Tom Corrigan
Evaluator 1:  Richard for Uta—Uta made the story come alive through the vocal variety of the characters.
Evaluator 2:  Uta for Sonia—Sonia’s poise revealed that Sonia has stood in front of people before.  She didn’t use much in notes and had courageous body movements.
Evaluator 3:  Elaine for Lucy—Lucy is an experienced speaker whose personality and eye contact allows her to have a marked presence in front of an audience.  She was entertaining as well, with her allusion to her early days as a Perry Mason fan.  Ironically, though not a lawyer, her responsibilities include making sure others abide by the law. 
Grammarian:  Tom P’s suggestion is for us to use “I hope” as opposed to “hopefully” in order to overcome this grammar flaw.  We also should eliminate the words “a lot” and “kids” to increase our message’s effectiveness.
Kate:  Open House is May 7, Monday; Tom Piekarski is Chairperson, asking all to fill roles and bring in refreshments.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Eagle Toastmasters Hosts Annual Open House

Eagle Toastmasters hosted its annual Open House on Monday May 7th  at the Wallingford, CT Public Library.  We had a full house with three fabulous speakers and many guests. 

The annual Open House is always a showcase for Toastmasters. Toastmasters and guests came and we showed it all: prepared speeches, impromptu speeches and evaluations. Toastmasters at its best.
Gathering in a different environment (Wallingford Public Library), facing different acoustics and room set up made it a challenge for even the seasoned Toastmaster.  A good time was had by all. Refreshments were taken with gratitude.  Finishing strong! The Toastmaster year will soon come to an end - and a new year will start immediately.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Division C Toastmasters Contest

Our Treasurer, Ute Brinkman, DTM attended the Toastmasters Division C contest last evening and took on the role of judging.