Tuesday, September 24, 2019

September 23 Eagle Toastmasters Meeting


We had another full agenda at Eagle Toastmasters last night. Seeing our 20 members and 4 guests gathering proved to be propitious as we started right on time and ended almost on time.

Jaime Fisher served as our Toastmaster of the evening with an auspicious opening. She shared how Eagle helped her achieve her goals by providing a supporting environment where she could “fail forward”. To quote the Wizard of Oz, “it was always in you”, Jaime! Toastmasters is about bringing out what is in all of us!

Ute Brinkmann opened up with a humorous story on  how to save a million dollars simply by using a pencil. Paula Erardi provided us our quote of the day, instructing us to dip our gloomy Mondays in glitter.

Speaker #1, Ric Zabor, gave a speech that was relevant to….well, all Earthlings! It was a “re do” of a speech he had done several months back. Ric tried new things and applied lessons learned from his previous version.

Speaker #2, Eric Krausz, also gave a “re do” with an introspective speech. He told us that “life is not fair…but it’s not unfair either”.

Kat Calhoun, Speaker #3, gave us an Icebreaker about her storied life in Toastmasters. She shared her experiences from her early days in “Melba Toastmasters” (yes, that was a real club) to her participation and leadership in over seven Toastmaster clubs from coast to coast.

Joseph Oddie, Speaker #4, gave a speech titled “Crime and Punishment”. Joseph’s speech was 3 speeches in one! He shared his knowledge about the factors of criminogenic behavior (thank goodness for spellcheck), the story behind a terrible tragedy at a bakery in the 1970s, and his interaction with two people that will spend the rest of their lives behind bars. If you were not present to hear his speech, I encourage you to ask Joseph about it.

Sandra Centorino, our Table Topics Master, was singlehandedly responsible for disclosing secrets that our fellow Eagles were keeping. I learned that if I carpool with another Eagle, I will make sure they wear glasses and avoid driving by McDonalds. I also learned that guinea pigs and bassoons actually do mix. Our fellow Eagles can picture their esteemed Club Secretary walking down the fashion runway!

Thank you to all of you that served in functional roles. It is the Ah Counters, Grammarians, etc that enable us to have a fulfilling and educational experience! The functionaries included Steve McGirr (ah counter), Diana Grippen (Grammarian), Markus Schumacher (Timer), Joseph Oddie (General Evaluator and Speech Evaluator), and Speech Evaluators Ian Brooks, Christine Austin, Kate Kelly, and Tony Centorino.

A couple of announcements:

Virtual Meeting
On September 30, Sandra Centorino will be leading a Toastmaster Virtual Meeting. It is full of speakers! She is looking for a few good Eagles to evaluate. Whether you speak, serve as a functionary, or simply watch online, please consider participating! The link to sign up is below:

Dues are….due! If you haven’t already paid, please send a check ($54.00) to Maryanne Shirshac at 1 Bayberry Court, Cromwell, CT 06416.

Our next online meeting is 9/30. Our next Eagle Meeting at the Parks and Rec is on 10/7. Many roles, including Toastmaster, are open!

See you all at the next meeting!

Tony Centorino
Eagle Toastmasters Secretary

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