Saturday, December 21, 2019

Minutes from Eagle Toastmasters October 21st Backwards Meeting

Our president Markus Schumaker got the idea of doing the meeting  backwards from a Toastmasters Leadership Training.  Carlos Perez loved the opportunity to do his first time as Toastmaster backwards, as he and his college roomates used to call each by their backwards names!

The General Evaluator, Ian Brooks, had predictions about the evaluations to be given.  He had fun saying everyone’s name backwards.

Each evaluator spoke to the strengths they knew the speaker had, and predicted content based on the title of the speech.  Eric spoke about the meaning of the number three.  Christine joked about eye contact not being important, and the speaker should face the other way!  Michelle spoke about the wonderful aspects of a speech.

Dignitaries gave made-up numbers for each job.

For Table Topics, Kat had volunteers tell stories first, then the question was asked.  Amazingly, the questions did apply to the stories!

Markus’s speech told of his experience as an exchange student.  He spent six months in Finland.  On the ferry, he met a man who taught him about the rule of thirds to take better pictures.

Kat described her journey as a leader in Toastmasters, where she learned to be an  invisible leader empowering others.

Diana spoke about her experiences in her old boots with her son, hunting.

Ric brought the quote of the day inspired by Omar Coffee.

Humorist Ann read a Woody Allen story about living a backwards life-dying first, then the nursing home, etc.

Dignitaries gave their job descriptions at the end of the meeting.  The timer Maryanne showed the red card first, then yellow, then green, which was disconcerting!

Markus ended the meeting with the beginning!  He commended Carlos on the great job he did as Toastmaster.

Respectively submitted,
Lynne Grobsky

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