Sunday, November 27, 2016

11/21 Meeting


Tonight’s meeting gave us a reason to be Thankful as we head into Thanksgiving. Sandra Centorino, our Toastmaster, led a round robin asking each Eagle to express what they were thankful for. It was great for us to take pause to express our gratitude to each other.

Ute Brinkmann, served as our Humorist, with a twist. She shared a lesson she learned from Ed Tate, the 2000 World Champion of Public Speaking. Allie Centorino, led a Thanksgiving themed Table Topic…..Chris Gaffney took on the challenging topic of what the Pilgrims and Native Americans discussed at the Thanksgiving table (the weather). Jaime Fischer and Paula Erardi took on a Table Topic as well……what I found remarkable was how they walked to the front of the lecturn and grabbed our attention!

Paula Erardi served as our Quote Master, and provided a poignant quote that acknowledged we have many blessings.

Yours Truly gave a speech about Jeremiah Denton, a Navy Rear Admiral that fought so we could maintain our way of life….an Election Day/Veteran’s Day theme. Tom Corrigan gave a speech about our shrinking attention span (we’re down to 8 seconds). Robin Corrigan gave a “colorful” speech with vivid props.

Special thanks to all of our functionaries not mentioned above…Richard Freeman (Timer), Amy Demas (Ah Counter), Kate Kelly (Grammarian/Evaluator), Chris Gaffney (Evaluator), Thom Knowlton (Evaluator), and Deb Haggett (General Evaluator).

We had two guests turn into members this evening! Jaime Fischer and Christie Groben! I am thankful for our new members!

Our next meeting will take place at the Joseph Oddie's abode on December 5th at 7:15. Please bring a wrapped toy valued at $10….We will have a little fun with the wrapped gifts before we donate them to the Master’s Manna.
Have a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving Holiday! See you on December 5th!

Tony Centorino

Eagle Secretary

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