Monday, November 7, 2016

11/7 Meeting


Tonight’s meeting was a special “Election Eve” edition.

Joseph Oddie, our Toastmaster, opened up with a humorous story from Winston Churchill. Maryanne Shirshac, quoted Abraham Lincoln. Yours Truly conducted a Table Topics with an Election Day theme where our Toastmasters and guests took on the challenging issues of our day.

In the great debate of Batman vs Superman, Maryanne provided a compelling case for Batman. Kate Kelly provided an equally compelling case for Superman. It is a tremendous testament to our club that our members can agree to disagree on the most contentious of issues!

Maryanne also gave her Icebreaker speech this evening…..a very impressive first speech where we all got to learn why she joined Toastmasters. Maryanne’s speech included a touching tribute to her Grandfather, who was a story teller. Maryanne showed all of us that it is now “her time” to be a story teller!

Richard Freeman gave a speech to convince us on how to address the chronic drought that we are increasingly experience across the US and in Connecticut. Richard convinced us to take action using facts and visual images.

Special thanks to all of our functionaries not mentioned above…..Deb Haggett, our Ah Counter, Ian Brooks, our Timer, Ute Brinkmann, our Grammarian, Kate Kelly, and our Evaluators – Sandra Centorino and Yours Truly!

Some housekeeping items…..

·         Amy Demas will be competing in the District Evaluation Contest Finals on 11/19 at UMass in Amherst Mass. This contest will take place in the morning….Please consider attending. I will send you some details in the near future.
·         Our next meeting is on November 21st. Sandra Centorino will be our Toastmaster…..Please sign up for something at
·         We will have a special meeting at the Joseph Oddie Compound on Monday 12/5….This will be our last meeting of 2016. More details to follow.

Finally, if you want to send an email to our entire club, you can use the email address from the email account that is registered in Eagle Toastmasters.

I look forward to seeing all of you on 11/19!

Tony Centorino
Eagle Secretary

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