Monday, January 16, 2017

1/16/17 Meeting


It was great for us to get “back in the saddle” for our first meeting at the Parks and Rec. Ute Brinkmann served as our Toastmaster for a New Year’s Day theme. Our meeting also celebrated Martin King Jr…….In the word of our Grammarian, Allie Centorino, celebrating New Years and MLK Day on the same day was “Efficient”!

As has been our tradition, Ute opened up the meeting with a toast of effervescent beverages. Heather McKelvie (welcome back!) provided us a quote from Dr. King. Ian Brooks shared a humorous story that referenced how to bury and keep a treasure simultaneously. Robin Corrigan provided us interesting Table Topics using props!

We also had two guests this evening…..Susan (President of Valley Shore Toastmasters) and Brad. Thank you, Susan and Brad…..We hope to see you at a future meeting.

Tonight’s speeches were apropos for the occasion. Tony Centorino gave a speech about Diversity. Joseph Oddie gave a speech about overcoming adversity (“you receive what you believe”). Chris Gaffney achieved his CC this evening with a speech about hope (“Hope is a natural resource”)….Congratulations, Chris!

Special thanks to all of the functionaries mentioned above as well as Kate Kelly (General Evaluator), Tom Corrigan, Robin Corrigan, and Amy Demas (evaluators), Maryanne Shirshac (Ah Counter), and Paula Erardi (Timer).

Our next meeting is on January 30th (a “bonus meeting” if you will). Kate Kelly will be our Toastmaster, and  we have plenty of open roles! Please sign up early and often!

See you all on January 30th!


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