Steve McGirr
opened up the meeting as the Sergeant at Arms and introduced Toastmaster Steve
Ute Brinkmann
served as the President with a few business items….Let’s get right to it.
Item #1 – Kat
Calhoun is spearheading a bilingual (Spanish and English club) with 2
demonstration meetings scheduled for September 12th at 6:30 in the
Community Room at the Fair Haven Library. There will be another demo meeting at
a location TBD at a date TBD. If you would like to overcome your fear of public
speaking in 2 languages, then this is the meeting for you! (Spanish fluency is
not a requirement.) For more information, please contact Kat at (707) 823-3544
or at
Item #2 – Sandra
Centorino is leading a virtual meeting on Tuesday August 20th.
This meeting offers you a great opportunity to participate in an online setting
that is becoming increasingly popular in the workplace. Your level of
participation can range from just attending and watching, to giving a speech,
or anything in between……and nobody has to know about the Sponge Bob pajama
bottom patterns you may be wearing during the meeting. (Ute – that’s a TV
character.) The link to sign up is below.
Let’s get into the
action, shall we?
Ann McGuire
opened up the meeting with a joke that taught us that the Lion may be the King
of the Jungle but is no match for a smart monkey.
Speaker #1 was Tony
Centorino, who spoke out of the Special Occasion Speech manual. Tony
accepted an award for Sales Professional of the Year. I received several “love
notes” from my fellow Toastmasters (thank you)…..One of them indicated that
maybe I’m wishing myself to success….hear hear! (or is it “here here”?). Let’s
all resolve to continue writing each other notes!
Speaker #2 was Chris
Gaffney who read from the Interpretive Reading Manual “Let America be
America Again”. Chris started out by introducing the speech and then completely
transforming himself into the authoritative Thurgood Marshall. Little did
Langston Hughes (the original author) know that his poem would be as meaningful
today as it was when he wrote it in 1935. This poem was not panegyric.
Speaker #3 was Diana
Grippen, who has become a regular at the Eagle Toastmaster Speaking
circuit. Diana gave a speech that was as sweet as Isomalto-oligosaccharide!
Speaker #4 was a
last minute addition to the agenda….Michelle Madeux’s Time is Money
theme as it relates to applying beauty products was thought provoking…
average of 7 minutes to apply cosmetics and 6 minutes to remove add up to
almost an entire workday per month!
Jaime Fisher
led Table Topics….Little did we know that we had a room full of budding art
Thank you to all of
the functionaries that ensured our meeting, ahem, functioned! Ross Grippen
(Grammarian), Ian Brooks (General Evaluator and Speech Evaluator), Chris
Scoppetta (Evaluator), Tony Centorino (Evaluator), and Ric Zabor (Evaluator).
John Sepples served as our Ah Counter and Kat Calhoun served as our
Thank you for
making it another special evening at Eagle!
Our next meeting
will be on 8/19……Lots of open roles…..please sign up for one!
Toastmasters Secretary
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