Monday, July 15, 2019

7/15 Eagle Toastmasters Meeting...another Electric Evening


Tonight we enjoyed an electrifying meeting in a smaller venue at the Parks and Rec., with special accompaniment by the children’s choir next door! We had a total of 23 attendees….21, now 22 members, and 1 guest.

Yours Truly served as Toastmaster of the evening. Markus Schmacher, our President, opened up the meeting, fresh from a return from his trip to Germany.

Chris Scoppetta, one of our newest members, provided an inspirational quote from Theodore Roosevelt that set the tone for the evening.

Steve McGirr followed with a funny story about a snarky parrot.

Michelle Madeux provided table topics with a culinary theme. Markus advised us that the most nutritious breakfast is no breakfast at all, an opinion that Steve McGirr was not willing to second. Now if somebody offered Steve seconds for breakfast……..

As for the speeches…..Jaime Fisher gave an inspirational speech that taught us that “clarity of task” can overcome many barriers….even language barriers. Speaker #2, Tony Centorino, presented an award out of the Special Occasion manual. Kat Calhoun gave a speech about the hazards of electricity and its many forms. Ric Zabor followed with a similar topic that taught us the positives of negative electrons. It was an old school multimedia presentation complete with flip charts and interesting props. Kat and Ric’s presented information backed by research that lent credence to their speeches.

A special thanks to all of the evaluators that stepped up. Diana Grippen, Kate Kelly, Eric Krausz, and Steve McGirr served as evaluators. While I benefited from my evaluation by Kate, I also learned a lot from the evaluation of others. I’d like to especially acknowledge Diana and Eric for stepping up as Eagle “newbies” and evaluating our more experienced speakers. We always benefit from new perspectives…..and giving an evaluation offers a terrific opportunity to give a “mini speech”. If you haven’t evaluated a speech before, please consider doing so at the next meeting!

Finally, thank you to Sandra Centorino (General Evaluator), Paula Erardi (Timer), Carlos Perez (Ah counter), and Barbara Flagg (Grammarian, new member, and Michelle Madeax’s Mom)!

Some housekeeping notes:

Our next meeting will take place on 7/29…..We are taking advantage of the fifth Monday for a third meeting…..The theme will be “Adventures”. More to follow on this theme by President Markus.

Start thinking about the following meeting on 8/5 as well….Chris Scoppetta will be the Toastmaster for that meeting.

Sandra Centorino our VP PR is “calling for all Facebook Live people” that are willing to do a live recording of “meet the members”. Addy Nunez and Steve McGirr couldn’t raise their hands fast enough! More to follow!

Thank you for another fun and fulfilling Eagle Toastmasters Meeting!

See you all on 7/29!

Tony Centorino

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