Sunday, December 3, 2017

November 6th Meeting

Hello Eagles!

As usual, the meeting was opened by our Sergeant at Arms, Jaimie Fisher.

Eagles President Ute Brinkmann announced that our club had won the Smedley Award for gaining 5 members between August 1 and September 30th.

Ian Brooks served as Toastmaster for the evening. 14 members and 2 guests were present.
The word of the day, presented by Grammarian Tony Centorino, was Assuage – meaning to ease or lessen pain, as with get-well cards or flowers.

Heather McKelvie was the humorist, and told a nutty joke about some complimentary nuts in a bar.

Nilani Shankar presented the Quote of the Day – from Jack Canfield’s The Success Principles. “Don’t believe everything you hear – even in your own mind.”

Sandra Centorino was Tabletopics Master. In honor of Monday being International Kindness Day, Sandra had participants share what they would say in a letter to someone who deserved their appreciation. Ian, Heather, Melinda (a guest), Salvatore (another guest!) and Paula all contributed.
Our first speech of the evening was delivered by Amy Demas. Amy’s project was from the Technical Presentations Manual – (1) The Technical Briefing. In Revolutionary Front Desk Training, Amy demonstrated the training she would provide for a dentist office staff when switching to a cloud-based recording platform for their phone system.

In speech 2, Jaime Fisher spoke from the Competent Communication manual – (5) Your Body Speaks. What’s Inside an Acorn? was inspired by Jaime’s then 2-year-old son asking what was inside of an acorn, and Jaime responding with the bright answer, “A Tree!” Jaime explained that, just as the material inside the acorn requires time, energy and patience to grow into a big tree, we too can reach our full potential through consistent, deliberate daily efforts.

Ute Brinkmann also spoke from the Competent Communication manual – (5) Your Body Speaks. In Little Knights, Ute told us how she began making simple sugar cookies for the Merchant Marines. She soon grew bored of the plain cookies and began adding pizzazz with stamped rolling pins and cutters. Over the years she has amassed quite a collection of unique and in some cases, intricately detailed cookie cutters, stamps and molds, which she passed around for us to see. Decoration adds love and sunshine to the cookies, but no additional calories. In Ute’s words, people from Uzbekistan to Asia decorate their food. I think I speak for the club when I say the best part of Ute’s speech was that she brought little bags of cookies for each of us to sample!

Tony Centorino delivered speech project (9) Persuade with Power from the Competent Communication manual entitled You Own It.  Tony spoke about how we each have our own individual journeys, but we share a journey together as a club. For Tony, who has worked at GE for over 20 years, it means a lot to him that GE has been around for 125 years, and Toastmasters has been around for 120. Both have well-established cultures and seemingly endless resources. This means that we can grow as much as we want with Toastmasters. Our club has a healthy mix of “Senior” members – those who have been around for a long time, “Junior” members – those with 3-5 years’ experience, and “Newbies” – those who have joined within the past 3 years or less.  Our club is owned by the members and run by the members.  Tony’s message to us is that we can be in the drivers’ seat! Reach out and do what you can for the club and for yourself. Ask for any help you need – resources are available.

Stephen McGirr was our General Evaluator. Speaking of resources, Steve mentioned that he had compiled some resources for the General Evaluator role and was willing to share with whoever needed them. The General Evaluator Role is in the Competent Leadership Book 6 times!

Tony Centorino, Chris Gaffney, Kimberly Lewis, and Richard Freeman all served as evaluators for the evening. Other functionaries were: Nilani Shankar, Ah-Counter, and Paula Erardi, Timer. 

See you next time!

Heather McKelvie
Eagle Secretary 

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