Friday, October 27, 2017

September 18th Meeting - Evaluation and Humorous Speech Contest

The September 18th meeting was a special one - it was our fall contest! Many members chipped in and brought food and drinks to keep us fueled throughout the evening.

Jaime Fisher served as Contest Master, Peter Penev was Sergeant at Arms, and Deb Haggett was Chief Judge.

The group consisted of 17 members, 5 guests, and one guest of honor - the target speaker, Richard Peck, DTM, First Vice President of Toastmasters International.

As the target speaker, Richard's role was to give a speech for the evaluators in the evaluation contest to evaluate. (Make sense?)

In his speech, More Than Just Words, Richard asked: "How do you use words to take people on a journey? When used properly, words can be extremely powerful." He went on to compare FDR's famous Pearl Harbor speech with an earlier draft, showing how the right words can have a much more powerful impact than those that first come to mind. He encouraged us to keep the 4 R's in mind when preparing speeches: Reinvent, Renew, Revitalize and Rewrite! Be mindful that your words take people on their journey, not yours.

Evaluation contestants were Joseph Oddie and Stephen McGirr

For the humorous speech contest, there were four contestants/speeches. In order of appearance:

1. Sarah Anne Ouellette / How Shit Can Set You Free
2. Brad Leete / My First World Record
3. Sandra Centorino / 17 Seats
4. Maryanne Shirshac / iLost

After each contestant, there was time for the judges to complete a checklist, which would be used to determine the speech contest winners. (This was also true for the judging of the evaluation contest.)

Once the judging forms had been completed, the ballot counters and chief judge retreated to another room to tally up the results. The rest of us mingled and enjoyed the refreshments.

Finally - drumroll please - the winners were announced.

For the evaluation contest, Joseph Oddie took first place, and Stephen McGirr second. For the speech contest, Brad Leete came in at #1, and Sandra Centorino came in second.

All four of the winning contestants would then go on to compete at the Area Contest, which was held in Waterbury on October 12th.

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