Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Great start for 2012-13

Dear All,

We just had our first meeting of the 2012-13 and what a start it was. We had a good turn out with 2 guests and 2 new signed members, champagne and food on the table (many thanks to Ute) and with the music in the background, it was a perfect setting for the perfect start.

It was heartening to see all the three prepared speeches come from the new members and they all did a wonderful job. Andrew ensured that we all had plenty of laughs with his speech on Jokes, by sharing the history of some of the jokes; he also shared a fart joke that can be traced back to 2500 B.C. With all the laughter, Andrew concluded his speech on a philosophical note saying even in the era of iPhones, airplanes etc etc, the basic common things like family ties, sharing a joke with close ones etc etc are still the underlying themes that bonds us/society.

Jessica gave her icebreaker speech by letting us all know about her a bit more. I was very impressed in the way she was able to, with ease and comfort, weave in about her family and background while answering two questions (i) why graduate school and (ii) why chemistry major. We all love icebreakers!

Santy shared how eventful his 2012 birthday was, where he had experienced a mix of emotions ranging from the excruciating pain due to the bleeding from his finger to the pleasant surprise party he received from his friends.

All in all it was a great start. As I said, in my opinion, toastmasters is of the members by the members and for the members and it is for us to steer and take advantage of.

Goodnight and see you all in 2 weeks.


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