Monday, July 2, 2012

Eagle Toastmasters Meeting of June 18, 2012

Eagle Toastmasters:  June 18, 2012

6-7pm:  Rachel worked with Sonia, Tami, and Elaine, giving them insight into the use of the new TM website. Thank you, Rachel.

President’s Remarks:  VP Education-JoeToday’s Toastmaster:  Tom C.

Humorist:   Bret

Quotemaster:  Robin
Some men see things as they are and ask why.  Others dream things that never were and ask “why not”.  George Bernard Shaw
 If you can dream it, you can do it.  Always remember this whole thing was started by a mouse.”  Walt Disney
 “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”  C.S.Lewis
Word of the Day  Ian
Exigent:  adj., requiring immediate action.  The fire caused exigent circumstances.

Table Topics:  Rachel cleverly used value pack coupons as topics for extemporaneous speaking.
Speaker 1
Robin—CC, “Persuade with Power; 5-7 minutes; “Life Is Just a Bowl Full of Golf Balls! Or Inspiration in a Jar”
Congratulations to Robin on her 10th Speech, allowing us to become “President’s Distinguished for a 11th year in a row.  We have the required 9 points, but are going for a perfect 10.
Robin spoke about an article entitiled, “The Journey to Fulfilling Your Dreams” by Janet Grace Ortigas.  It stated that while we all want to fulfill our dreams and desires only a small per centage actually do.  She persuaded us to prioritize our goals by examining them outside the box with, of all things, a bowl full of golf balls, beads, and confetti-like sand.  That’s Robin for you!
 Speaker 2,
Joe—CC Demonstrating; 5-7 minutes “Why not Salt, No Rocks; As Joe searched for a topic, While Joe was onsidering speaking about folding sheets, brewing coffee, and tying a tie, we all proceeded to fall asleep.  Then he created a room full of excitement as he donned his apron and revealed his recipe for the “margarita”, a refreshing summer repast.  He clarified some misconceptions about tequila, stating that high quality tequila does not need salt and that it comes from a cactus. 

Speaker 3,
Sonia—CC, #3; 5-7 min.; “Weight Loss Obsession”.  Sonia revealed her thought process as she was trying to lose the 20 pounds gained in her early years in college.  While researching the ads for chemical solutions, diets, and exercise machines, she finally realized that the answer was balanced nutrition and exercise.  She was then able to lose the 20 pounds in 1year without financially investing in diet programs, pills, or exercise gizmos.

Speaker 4:
Andrew—CC, Icebreaker; “Life and Learning”; Andrew needs to be commended for diving into his icebreaker.  Being creative, he used his talents to give teachers a run for their money in high school.  Using his artistic ability, Andrew forged a career for 30 years as a Tatoo Artist. Though his reputation was not as a student, he is on the verge of completing his Bachelor Degree because of his appreciation of life-long learning.

General Evaluator:  Robin

Evaluator 1:  Chandra for Robin—Robin persuaded us to keep adding to life, never losing sight of priorities.  Robin left us with visual images as she took out her inexhaustible bag of  tricks that allowed us to see that there is always room for more in life. “The only one stopping you is you”.
Evaluator 2:  Rachel for Joe-Joe did a fabulous job of demonstrating as he too brought out his bucket of tools.  His props fully engaged his audience as they actually experienced his speech topic.
Evaluator 3:  Ian for Sonia-Sonia has great natural potential, using very effective body language as a beginning Toastmaster.  She related her journey to weight loss experiences and research which culminated in the simple solution of balance, nutrition, and exercise—how profound.
Evaluator 4:  Rich from 1 State Street for Andrew-Rich has an effective conversational storytelling style and a sense of humor—important for an effective public speaker.  He even ended with a quote.  After this impressive icebreaker, he is well on his way to passing his public speaking requirement.  
Ah-Counter:  Tami
Timer:  Jessica
Grammarian:  Lucy

President’s Remarks:  Joe, VP Education
By the end of June, we will be one of 2 clubs with the award of President’s Distinguished for the 11the year in a row.  We will have a perfect 10.
Our guest, Rich, a 25 year Toastmaster Member, advising us to learn and enjoy the trip! 
            Eagle TM is certainly enjoying the trip!!
20 were present including 8 guests or new members.

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