Eagles Toastmasters hosted a Public Speaking Workshop before the regular meeting. The agenda consisted of 1) Speaking Anxiety and 2) Speech Organization. President Kate Kelly and VP of Public Relations Rachel Mele delivered a superb presentation. Twenty guests were present.
Toastmaster: Comedian Richard Mead
Humorist: Elaine Piazza spoke about the challenges of the teacher.
Word of the Day: Ian Brooks
Carp: To find fault or to complain—She carped about her partner’s spending.
Quote(s) of the Day: Uta Brinkman delivered the following timely sayings:
· No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow.—Proverb
· Every spring is the only spring—a perpetual astonishment.—Ellis Peters
· (It was) Today is one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.—Charles Dickens
Table Topics: Rachel came in with an interesting bag of tricks to choose from.
Speaker 1: Tami Reagor; CC #3; “Get to the Point”: “I have to eat…How many vegetables?”
Tami stated that one must injest 7-13 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables per day in order to decrease the risk of health problems.
Speaker #2: Robin Corrigan: CC #3: “Success in Your Future”
Madame Ro-bin foresaw success in those who observed the following:
Passion-Practice-Prioritize-Pursuit-Persistence leading to Pay-Off
Speaker #3: Tom Corrigan; CC #5 “Your Body Speaks”—“I Like My Veggies Fresh”
Tom showed the best way to make fresh vegetables part of the diet; unfortunately, the best way is not always the cheapest way.
Speaker #4: Tom Piekarski; Advanced Communication-Interpretive Reading #1, “Understanding the Elements of
Interpretive Reading”—“1984”
Tom’s rendition of “1984” gave insight into what society may be experiencing today.
General Evaluator: Robin
Evaluator #1: Rachel
Rachel made the point that when a speaker thinks about the message, not the audience, the delivery becomes awesome.
Evaluator #2: Kate
Not only was Madame Ro-bin’s advice valuable, but her visual aids made the speech memorable.
Evaluator #3: Ian
Tom’s body spoke as he delivered yet another superb speech.
Ian pointed out to our guests the 3 pages of rubric for each speech with a 4th page of points to be evaluated.
Evaluator #4: Tom C
Tom brought the book “1984” to life. Especially effective was his emphatic move to the actual portrait of “Big Brother” at the reading’s conclusion.
Timer: Chandra Palla
Ah-Counter, Grammarian: Rachel
Closure: Kate Kelly, President
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