Minutes of April 2, 2012
Sergent at Arms: Chandra
President Kate:
· May 1 Open House date at the Wallingford Public Library
· Chandra and Santy will represent us at the Area International Speech/Tall Tales Contest at 225 Amity Road on April 3
· Kate welcomed Sharon Roth, Division Governor, who is visiting 28 clubs in the District; we are #16
Toastmaster: Kate
Word of the Day: Rachel—
· Grouse: To grumble or complain; a complaint
· I will continue to, hopefully, not to grouse as I have quite an episode of morning sickness today.
Quote of the Day: Kate
Courage is the resistance to fear, not the absence of it. Mark Twain
Speaker 1: Tom C.—CC #6, “Vocal Variety”; 5-7 minutes
“Mount Washington—25 Years Later”
Speaker 2: Robin C.—CC #6 “Vocal Variety”; 5-7 minutes
“Healthy or Not Healthy? That is the Question”
Speaker 3: Elaine—AC, “The Entertaining Speaker”; #5 “Speaking after Dinner”
“”The Story of a Pioneer”
Table Topics: Joe
Joe presented “Dear Abby” questions to solicit advice. Rachel intends to pass Rich’s “pool-boy” advice on to her father; Tom presented an efficient, yet controversial solution for noise pollution.
Evaluator 1, Chandra: Tom’s superb speech was funny and entertaining as part of his vocal variety included an imitation of his wife. He is an expert at speeches without notes.
Evaluator 2, Richard: Robin had props to illustrate her solution to an inexpensive plan for a healthy life: Sneakers for walking; weights for resistance exercises; signs for sit-ups/push-ups and stairclimbing; a sign and demonstration of Jumping Jacks. She relayed that Jumping Jacks boosts immunity, increases coordination, and helps fight osteoporosis. She also cited a few changes in eating habits, including “Skip the chips”—potentially a topic that could have been expanded.
Evaluator 3, Uta. Elaine gave a real speech as opposed to a practice speech.
General Evaluator: Rachel stated that this meeting was organized, as usual, with copies of the agenda for all. We were able to adjust the order of events to accommodate our members without taking away from the effectiveness of the planned program.
Timer: Mike
Ah-Counter: Sonya
President: Kate
· Report from Joe, VP Education: We have achieved Distinguished status, but need a CC, AC, and CL to qualify for President’s Distinguished.
· April 12 is a special event at Middlesex—keynote speaker is Nana Danzo, a champion speaker
· Saturday, April 14 is a Sleeping Giant Hike at 1pm with Cheshire, Middlesex, Cromwell, and other clubs.
· Kate introduced Sharon Roth who spoke on the incredible effectiveness of the Gavel Club Toastmasters project in a women’s prison. She spoke about 9 mentors attending the meetings and about 3 speakers: 1 spoke in poetry; one whose leadership shined through, gaining her election as the Club President; and one who wants to learn to communicate so she has job skills when she gets out after 25 years. Toastmasters has the potential to be life-altering.
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