Eagle Toastmasters of Wallingford, CT supports individuals through improved public speaking, oral communications, english speaking, persuasive speaking, improved listening skills and leadership training. Learn how to present better, become a motivational speaker and tighten sales skills through presentations. Prepare for an upcoming keynote speech or company meeting with Eagle Toastmasters of Wallingford, CT. Reduce fear of public speaking. Visit our website at www.eagletoastmasters.com.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Eagle Toastmasters to host Annual Open House Monday May 7

Friday, April 13, 2012
WPAA – TV- local Wallingford TV station wants Toastmasters
It happened this afternoon, the phone rang: WPAA – TV, if we wanted to partner with the local Wallingford TV station and they are looking for a host who can facilitate conversations and there is a poetry event this Saturday ….. I almost fell of my chair (Ute and television – that’s an oxymoron!).
To ease us into this new adventure we are invited to a Night of Poetry this coming Saturday.
And here are the details:
Who: Connecticut Teens who won Connecticut performance poetry competitions
What: Will do a feature performance after a day of being coached in performance technique.
Where: WPAA-TV 28 So. Orchard St Wallingford CT 06492 Saturday April 14th 8 PM
Why: To raise funds to help pay for travel to national competition in California & get performance feedback from audience.
Public Welcome. COST: No tickets or entry fee. Refreshment to be served - no charge. Hat will be passed for donations.
More Info:
Why Toastmasters Members are being invited: 1) They potentially can give these young people good feedback. 2) There may be opportunity to use this community space for Toastmasters Meetings etc in the future.
We could head over to “Jakes” afterwards and discuss how much courage (aka drinks) we might need to go on local TV!
A new door is opening up. The life of a Toastmaster can be exciting.
The local contact is Susan Adele Huizenga, Community Media Advocate here in Wallingford. She found us on Meetup.com
I cc her on this email.
I might see you for poetry on Saturday – or Monday for our regular meeting.
Ute Brinkmann, D₂TM
Treasurer club 3161
A Presidents Distinguished Club since 2001-02
Middlesex Toastmasters club presented Nana Danso

The meeting was well attended and Sonia & I were there representing Wallingford. At the end of the meeting they had a presentation to recognize one of their club members who has been in Toastmasters for 25 years. Members came forward to share stories and give tribute to this member, it was a great meeting.
As a reminder, this Saturday there will be some of us meeting at Sleeping Giant at 1pm for a hike if anyone is interested in joining.
Our next meeting is next Monday, April 16th. Please sign up for roles so Rachel, who is Toastmaster for the evening, can come with a full agenda!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Eagle Toastmasters Meeting Minutes from April 2, 2012

Minutes of April 2, 2012
Sergent at Arms: Chandra
President Kate:
· May 1 Open House date at the Wallingford Public Library
· Chandra and Santy will represent us at the Area International Speech/Tall Tales Contest at 225 Amity Road on April 3
· Kate welcomed Sharon Roth, Division Governor, who is visiting 28 clubs in the District; we are #16
Toastmaster: Kate
Word of the Day: Rachel—
· Grouse: To grumble or complain; a complaint
· I will continue to, hopefully, not to grouse as I have quite an episode of morning sickness today.
Quote of the Day: Kate
Courage is the resistance to fear, not the absence of it. Mark Twain
Speaker 1: Tom C.—CC #6, “Vocal Variety”; 5-7 minutes
“Mount Washington—25 Years Later”
Speaker 2: Robin C.—CC #6 “Vocal Variety”; 5-7 minutes
“Healthy or Not Healthy? That is the Question”
Speaker 3: Elaine—AC, “The Entertaining Speaker”; #5 “Speaking after Dinner”
“”The Story of a Pioneer”
Table Topics: Joe
Joe presented “Dear Abby” questions to solicit advice. Rachel intends to pass Rich’s “pool-boy” advice on to her father; Tom presented an efficient, yet controversial solution for noise pollution.
Evaluator 1, Chandra: Tom’s superb speech was funny and entertaining as part of his vocal variety included an imitation of his wife. He is an expert at speeches without notes.
Evaluator 2, Richard: Robin had props to illustrate her solution to an inexpensive plan for a healthy life: Sneakers for walking; weights for resistance exercises; signs for sit-ups/push-ups and stairclimbing; a sign and demonstration of Jumping Jacks. She relayed that Jumping Jacks boosts immunity, increases coordination, and helps fight osteoporosis. She also cited a few changes in eating habits, including “Skip the chips”—potentially a topic that could have been expanded.
Evaluator 3, Uta. Elaine gave a real speech as opposed to a practice speech.
General Evaluator: Rachel stated that this meeting was organized, as usual, with copies of the agenda for all. We were able to adjust the order of events to accommodate our members without taking away from the effectiveness of the planned program.
Timer: Mike
Ah-Counter: Sonya
President: Kate
· Report from Joe, VP Education: We have achieved Distinguished status, but need a CC, AC, and CL to qualify for President’s Distinguished.
· April 12 is a special event at Middlesex—keynote speaker is Nana Danzo, a champion speaker
· Saturday, April 14 is a Sleeping Giant Hike at 1pm with Cheshire, Middlesex, Cromwell, and other clubs.
· Kate introduced Sharon Roth who spoke on the incredible effectiveness of the Gavel Club Toastmasters project in a women’s prison. She spoke about 9 mentors attending the meetings and about 3 speakers: 1 spoke in poetry; one whose leadership shined through, gaining her election as the Club President; and one who wants to learn to communicate so she has job skills when she gets out after 25 years. Toastmasters has the potential to be life-altering.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Breaking News!
Our very own Chandra Palla, representing Eagle Toastmasters, came in second place tonight in the Area International Speech contest!
His endless practice paid off, his delivery and execution was awesome.
Congratulations Chandra!
Monday, April 2, 2012
Message from our President Kate Kelly

Hello Eagle Toastmasters!
Our last Toastmasters meeting (March 19th) followed a public speaking workshop hosted by Rachel and me. It was a great turnout and we were happy that a number of people stuck around for our meeting that night. We had three new members join our club that night which is awesome!
We meet again next Monday and there are still roles available on the roster so please login & sign up for a role!
As a reminder, Chandra and Santy will be representing Eagle Toastmasters in the Area International & Tall Tales contest which will be held on Tuesday, April 3rd at The Willows, 225 Amity Road, Woodbridge. The contest runs from 7-9pm. Food and briefings begin at 6:30.
Dues - Remember to bring a check or alternate form of payment to Ute on Monday if you owe dues and haven't paid yet.
Mark your calendars - April 15th Tom Alvord & I are arranging a hike at Sleeping Giant State Park @1pm. Don't be waiting until the last minute to file your taxes. Get them done early so you can get outdoors and join Toastmasters from other local clubs for a hike.
See you all next Monday!
March 19th 2012 Meeting Minutes from Elaine Piazza
Eagles Toastmasters hosted a Public Speaking Workshop before the regular meeting. The agenda consisted of 1) Speaking Anxiety and 2) Speech Organization. President Kate Kelly and VP of Public Relations Rachel Mele delivered a superb presentation. Twenty guests were present.
Toastmaster: Comedian Richard Mead
Humorist: Elaine Piazza spoke about the challenges of the teacher.
Word of the Day: Ian Brooks
Carp: To find fault or to complain—She carped about her partner’s spending.
Quote(s) of the Day: Uta Brinkman delivered the following timely sayings:
· No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow.—Proverb
· Every spring is the only spring—a perpetual astonishment.—Ellis Peters
· (It was) Today is one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.—Charles Dickens
Table Topics: Rachel came in with an interesting bag of tricks to choose from.
Speaker 1: Tami Reagor; CC #3; “Get to the Point”: “I have to eat…How many vegetables?”
Tami stated that one must injest 7-13 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables per day in order to decrease the risk of health problems.
Speaker #2: Robin Corrigan: CC #3: “Success in Your Future”
Madame Ro-bin foresaw success in those who observed the following:
Passion-Practice-Prioritize-Pursuit-Persistence leading to Pay-Off
Speaker #3: Tom Corrigan; CC #5 “Your Body Speaks”—“I Like My Veggies Fresh”
Tom showed the best way to make fresh vegetables part of the diet; unfortunately, the best way is not always the cheapest way.
Speaker #4: Tom Piekarski; Advanced Communication-Interpretive Reading #1, “Understanding the Elements of
Interpretive Reading”—“1984”
Tom’s rendition of “1984” gave insight into what society may be experiencing today.
General Evaluator: Robin
Evaluator #1: Rachel
Rachel made the point that when a speaker thinks about the message, not the audience, the delivery becomes awesome.
Evaluator #2: Kate
Not only was Madame Ro-bin’s advice valuable, but her visual aids made the speech memorable.
Evaluator #3: Ian
Tom’s body spoke as he delivered yet another superb speech.
Ian pointed out to our guests the 3 pages of rubric for each speech with a 4th page of points to be evaluated.
Evaluator #4: Tom C
Tom brought the book “1984” to life. Especially effective was his emphatic move to the actual portrait of “Big Brother” at the reading’s conclusion.
Timer: Chandra Palla
Ah-Counter, Grammarian: Rachel
Closure: Kate Kelly, President
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