Tuesday, May 16, 2017

May 15th Meeting


Last night’s meeting was a full house, attended by 19 committed members and 5 interested guests!

Tom Corrigan stepped in as Toastmaster, leading a meeting that included three Speakers. As Humorist, Tom channeled his inner Mark Twain, sharing numerous humorous observations.

MaryAnne Shrishac’s quote of the day helped us understand the difference between interest and commitment. Jaime Fisher led Table Topics, providing members and guests an opportunity to share their thoughts on vacation spots. Our members and guests showed not one iota of reluctance to share their favorite destinations.

Our first Speaker, Fred Swiderski, gave his Icebreaker…..Fred shared his passion for learning with the club. Fred was followed by Steve McGirr, Speaker #2. Steve gave his second speech, sharing his passion about fitness. Steve explained how he transitioned from his (previously) favorite food groups of candy, meat, and potatoes to his new favorites of fruits and vegetables. He also gave Ian Brooks a run for his money as Grammarian by teaching all of us a new word – “tsunamic”.

Kate Kelly was Speaker #3, giving a speech about Emma “Grandma” Gatewood, who hiked the 1258 mile Appalachian Trail three times! Kate’s speech was based on the book “Grandma Gatewood’s Walk”. For those of you that are looking for speech ideas, think about a book or magazine article you recently read as they are tremendous sources for ideas!

Thanks to all of you that participated, including the functionaries not mentioned above: Stephen McGirr (Timer), Brad Leete (Ah Counter), Robin Corrigan (General Evaluator), Tony Centorino, Heather McKelvie, and Paula Erardi (Evaluators).

Club News
The District 53 Spring Conference takes place this Saturday, May 20th…….Jaime Fisher will be competing in Table Topics, and Sandra Centorino will be leading an educational session. Please click on the below link for more information.

We are heading into the home stretch of our 2016/17 year with two meetings left (June 5th and 19th). Following our June 19th meeting, we will meet for a social gathering (more information to follow). Our last order of club business will be to determine our officers for the upcoming 2017/18 year that begins on July 1st. These roles are open to anybody that is interested……Ute provided a newsletter that summarizes the roles. If you are interested, please reach out to Amy Demas (abcdemas@gmail.com), or any of the club officers.

See you all on June 5th!

Tony Centorino

Eagle Secretary 

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