Monday, February 20, 2017

2/20/17 Meeting


Tonight’s meeting, led by Toastmaster Tom Corrigan, showcased the greatness of our club and our members!

Many clubs have told us that they are challenged to find one or two speakers for their meetings while their members take on multiple functionary roles. At tonight’s meeting, Eagle Toastmasters filled the agenda on very short notice thanks to the depth and experience of our membership.

Two of our more experienced Eagles stepped up. Kate Kelly and Joseph Oddie. Joseph notified us of a last minute conflict which provided others the opportunity to sign up….and sign up they did! Sandra Centorino and Deb Haggett stepped up and signed up! Tonight’s meeting blossomed into an educational/multi-media experience!

Speaker #1, Kate Kelly, gave us an overview of Microsoft One Note via computer and overhead projector. She showed us several interesting applications of the often overlooked Microsoft icon that is on our computer. (Hint: it looks like a notebook). Congratulations to Kate as tonight’s speech completed her Competent Communicator’s milestone.

Speaker #2, Sandra Centorino, gave a Facebook Live demo using her iPad tethered to her cell phone. If you are Sandy’s Facebook friend, you can see what she did by looking at her feed. If you’re not a friend of Sandy, well……send her a request!

Speaker #3, Deb Haggett, used a prerecorded video on a video monitor. Ironically, “video Deb” was the only speaker that observed the timer cards hoisted by our Timer, Jaime Fisher.

Thanks to our other functionaries not mentioned above……Paula Erardi - our Grammarian, Robin Corrigan – Quote of the Day and General Evaluator, Brad Leete – our Jokemaster that told us about the talking, lying dog, and Peter Penev – Ah Counter. Yours truly served as the Topic Master and Evaluator. Allie Centorino and Jaime Fisher served as Evaluators as well…….It is always refreshing when our newer members serve as Evaluators as they offer fresh insights.

Our next meeting will be the Speech and Table Topic Contest on March 6th…….We have a signup sheet for the contest (we have open roles and would love to see more contestants) as well as a food signup sheet (note that the club will provide pizza as our main dish).

Please be on the lookout for more messages on the speech contest!

Tony Centorino

Eagle Secretary

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