Thursday, May 7, 2015

Cinco de Mayo


May 4th was  a fun evening that showcased what Eagle and Toastmasters is all about!

Our meeting had a festive “Cinco de Mayo” feel to it. That is, until Allie the Humorist told us it is actually “Sinko de Mayo”. Our Toastmaster, Rachel, regaled us with her entire Spanish vocabulary, which was only exceeded by the six Spanish words Sandra had on her Table Topics display!

We had two guests from other Toastmaster clubs, Aparna and Paul. While it is really fun “showing our club off” to potential new members, it is especially gratifying hearing compliments from members from other clubs……..We have a great club! It is a privilege having guests like Aparna and Paul contribute to our club with table topics, evaluations, and positive energy. I hope to visit their clubs sometime.

My lasting impression of Monday’s meeting, was John Bimonte’s Icebreaker! John stepped up to perform his Icebreaker a month early when a speaker slot opened. John permeated his speech with eye contact and his vocal variety was remarkable for a first speech! He is off to a great start!

Robin presented a very informative speech that summarizes the Toastmaster Communicator and Leadership programs…..If you remember nothing else about her speech, please know that she is a wealth of experience in this area. Please reach out to Robin or any of our more experienced members if you have questions or needs in this area.

A note about the agenda…….For several of you, “life got in the way” resulting in you having to remove your name from the 5/4 sign-up sheet. Each one of you respected the Eagle family by letting me know as soon as you found out you could not make it….Thank you! I look forward to your participation in future meetings. To those of you that did participate, some on short notice, thank you for stepping up! It is great to know we have “each other’s back”.

I would like to close with a short message about playing “Taps”. I spoke about playing Taps at my Dad’s military ceremony, which took place in the Sarasota National Cemetery in 2012. Shortly before my Dad’s burial, my cousin (also a trumpet player) told me that the Service personnel would play a recording of Taps unless I lined up a trumpet player. My cousin flew down to Florida....I played Taps and he played the echo.

There is an organization that will line up a bugler - If you know of anybody that needs a bugler, just go onto the site to request a player. You can also reach out to me and I’ll see what I can do to help. Every Serviceman and Servicewoman should be entitled to a live player!

Get ready for TV night on 5/18! Please log onto the website and sign up for something!


PS. Congratulations to our new officer-elects, Kate Kelly, Heather McKelvie, and Meghan Neller! I will provide more of my thoughts about this over the next few days

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