Monday, October 6, 2014

October 6, 2014 minutes of Eagle Toastmasters meeting

We had a new Toastmaster this evening Joe Oddie, he did a terrific job; volunteered last minute!

Our President, Susanne reminded everyone to mark their calendars and to attend the Humorous Speech Contest at the Senior Center in Cheshire 6:30 on 10/16... bring $5.

We had a guest that was a past member Joe!  Welcome.

Humorist was Thomas P.  Fired off plenty of one liners... kind of Rodney Dangerfield'ish.  Great job.

Word of the day Pommeaceous... thinking of the Apples in harvest now.  Interesting... no one seemed to use it.

Great Quote about leadership from Sandra Centorino... from John Quincy Adams.

Table Topics  - You could choose between 2 bags... High Test, then Regular... Really interesting topics:  What advice would you give your 10 year old self?; Would you like to master a whisper or shout?  Does Love mean never having to say you're sorry or always saying your sorry?...

Speaker 1 Elaine Piazza spoke about Roles and Responsibilities.  The most important part is to Communicate, Communicate Communicate!... she went over all the Meeting Roles and the responsibilities in the order of a meeting, and Club officer roles and responsibilities.  biggest point is to be careful about general email; be more specific and get a response confirmation.

Speaker 2 Tony Centorino - Best gift we gave our daughters.... Values.  1. Work ethic, 2. Give to those in need, 3. Accountability.. the willingness to face reality when facing a challenging situation. 4. Openness to talk about family decisions weather financial or vacations.  Great job!

Speaker 3 Kate Kelly.  Icebreaker.  50 and fabulous.  She has a terrific sense of humor!  She is the same person as she was 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50.  New perspective... like a Turtle .vs. a Giraffe.  Turtle sees everything up close, a giraffe has its head in the air.  great analogy.  she found integrity is better than $$; and still quips that she has probably more questions than answers... and she would recommend it... turning 50 that is.

Our General evaluator Ute was terrific!  so smooth and great transitions from one person to the next. she offered many comments to help improve.  She even asked the speakers after their evaluations what they had to say. Rachel evaluated Tony Centorino and had speech suggestion of looking at people more and notice how the word 'and' is used as a filler.  3rd speech and awesome with no notes.
Richard Freeman evaluated Kate Kelly and offered no suggestions!  imagine... a great speech.  She was engaging, funny and had great transitions.

Meeting ended on time!  Thanks To our toastmaster!  Great meeting.  Next meeting Oct 20th!  sign up :)

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