Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Minutes of May 20, 2013

Minutes of May 20, 2013

President’s Remarks:  Kate has accepted the position of Interim President until July 1 when Sonia will take over .
Today’s Toastmaster:  Robin-Congratulations to Kate who came in 2nd at the District Level contest.

Humorist:  Tom C.
Word of the Day:  New member Kevin Manner presented the word Success—to strive to achieve.  Enjoying success is what Toastmasters is all about.

Quote of the Day:   Rich--What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family.” Mother Teresa

Table Topics Master:  Elaine threw out question about Memorial Day and the accompanying celebrations, engaging each member present.

Speaker 1:  Uta, Speaking to Inform #3, The Demonstration Talk; “”How to Build a Violin”—Uta decided to take action after hearing that the craft of violin making was dying out as Germany is not producing apprenticeships.  She showed us all how to make a violin, actually demonstrating the steps.  Now that all present can instruct, violin-making will not be a dying art.
Speaker 2:  Sarah, CC#2, “I Can Still Rock as an Introvert”; Sarah’s personal weakness, being an introvert, can result in lost opportunities as an introvert may not always have the courage to speak up.  Sarah found that she could express herself when dealing with an important issue like her advocation for her daughter’s education.
General Evaluator:  Kate

Evaluator #1:  Kate for Uta—Kate cited Uta’s humor at in the speech’s opening and closing.  Uta’s passion for the violin clearly comes through to us.  The price range of these instruments--$30 to $14 million—was quite amazing to us all.

Evaluator  #2:  Suzanne for Sarah---Sarah’s strength is the ability to speak without notes.  Notes can be an important tool for organizing a speech to increase clarity:  Opening; 3 related major point; closing to summarize.

Ah Counter:  Robin—Our meeting was loaded with um’s, ah’s, you know’s; so, like
Timer:  Richard F.
Grammarian:  Tom stressed that we need to pay close attention to run on sentences and unnecessary fillers.  He reminded us that we have a lecturn (on a table) as opposed to a podium.

President’s Remarks: 
·        Kate is one speech away from allowing Eagles to achieve President’s Distinguished for the 13th straight year.
·        August 10 is the Division C Officer’s Training at Manchester; slate needs to be confirmed by next meeting
               We have an opening for Sargent-At-Arms
President is Sonia

o               VP Membership is Ian

o               VP ED is Rachel

o               Secretary is Elaine

o               Treasurer is open

o               VP Marketing (Public Relations) is op

·        Kate suggests we sign up on “Meetup” as one person didn’t attend thinking there were only 2 present when there were actually 22 present.

·        The New Division C Governor for 2013-14  is Richard Frantz, Jr of Cheshire

·        The new District 53 Governor is Val Albert

11 members were present.

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