Monday, March 18, 2013

Minutes of the March 4th Meeting

President’s Remarks:
Chandra turned the program over to Rachel, Area 34 Governor.  Eagle Toastmasters is a member of District 53 (Connecticut, Eastern New York and Western Massachusetts), Division C. Area 34.  There are 145 Clubs in District 53.  Rachel asks members to sign up for the following:
·         Roles in the Club Contest for March 18
·         Roles in the Area 34 contest to be held on Wednesday, April 10. 
·         Central Connecticut Advanced Toastmasters information:  The club takes members to a new level in achievement with feedback from advanced Toastmasters and expert mentoring.
·         Helping a new club get off the ground:  3M Innovators in Meriden, on Research Parkway
Today’s Toastmaster:  Jessica
Humorist:  Uta—Uta presented several man-jokes, challenging someone to get back at her next meeting.
Word of the Day:  Hyunsoo
Paltry:  Ridiculously small, completely useless, mean or contemptible. (1)  The turnout today is the opposite of “paltry”.  (2) I am trying to find a new bank because of the paltry interest I am getting.

Quote of the Day:  Shari
Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.  Seneca

Table Topics:  Ian
            Subject is “being busy” with topics like “If you weren’t here, what would you be doing?”; “you were late for work because you were so busy”; “the background noise making it too busy to work”.
Speaker 1:  Kate.—AC, Storytelling, “The Moral of the Story”, 4-6 minutes; “Turning Around a Failing Company”
                Kate gave a thought-provoking scenario of students who invested in a company with the express goal of turning it around.  They hired 3 salesmen:  #1 Jim was outgoing and gregarious; #2 Paul was quiet with the look of success marked by his expensive taste; #3 Dave spent his time talking to those in the company. 
In the end, the achievement bonus went to Dave who made the least sales.  As fate would have it, Jim sold the most, but cost the company plenty.   His sales were based on false promises which compelled the company to hire more staff to fill orders it was unable to deliver.  The company lost many of the customers because of inability to provide service.  Paul had the next highest sales total; but his travel and entertainment expenses nullified any profits.  His extravagance gave rise to ethical questions.  Dave, who spent his time learning the business from the bottom up, had 100 per cent customer loyalty. 
The moral of the story is:  Say as you do; do as you say; play fair; you will win.

Speaker 2:  Rich M.—AC, The Entertaining Speaker #3, “Make Them Laugh”; 5-7 minutes; “The Flu”
                The objective of this speech was to say something funny.  Rich had us rolling in the aisles with one joke after the other, said with a perfectly straight face.  He is unique to say the least.
                He spoke about being a survivor—a survivor of a 52 year battle with the flu.  He spoke about his research on the baboon’s immunity to the flu to get our attention.  He spoke about getting the shot, having the flu, and getting the cure.  After the flu shot, he gets the flu.  When he finally got desperate enough to go to the Clinic for help, he found himself in a waiting room for 3 hours, bonding with other members of the Elite Flu Club.  Though too weak to move, he found himself journeying to the rear of the drug store for his medication.  In a final move of desperation, he visited his family doctor who assured Rich that he would do his best to get the flu under control if it takes every penny Rich had.  A visit from his daughter and grandchildren provided an additional challenge.  He overcame all as he cured himself—6 weeks to the day from first getting the symptoms.
                As if he didn’t have enough of the flu in his life, a Happy Hour acquaintance bragged:  “I never get the flu shot; I never get the flu.”  Here is where the Toastmaster in Rich came out.  Instead of manhandling this inconsiderate taunting individual physically, he drew upon his years of flu research and retorted in a short table topics speech response—“stop acting like your baboon ancestors; they never get the flu.”

Speaker 3:  Andrew—CC #3, “Your Body Speaks”, 5-7 min.; “Would a Camel Walk a Mile for You?” 
Andrew related a story of his addiction to cigarettes brought about by the money from his first job along with the mission of a friend to get him to smoke.  By the end of summer, he was smoking 3 packs a day, thus transforming himself into a member of the high school boy’s room smoking fraternity.  All was well until he ran out of cigs after graduation and while staying over- night with a friend who did not smoke.  As an addict without transportation, he formulated a plan, which included returning to his high school which was within hiking distance.  The faculty room cigarette machine would save him.  He cleverly disguised himself in the friend’s mother’s wig, and began his hike on foot to the school.  He broke into the school, incognito.  As he was about to escape with the goods, the vice principal, who was also the school disciplinarian, recognized him immediately.   The VP stood in the doorway in disbelief as Andrew exited the school in a hurry.  Rumor has it that Andrew was the inspiration for the Camel Cigarette commercial. 

Speaker 4:  Chandra, “The Toastmaster Journey—Be Positive”. 
Chandra delivered a pocket speech in the absence of a 4th speaker.  He spoke about his Toastmaster Journey and the importance of being positive.  Toastmasters became a bridge from his world in India to his world here.  He was able to apply what he learned in TM to his professional life.  He didn’t want to be Club President, but accepted the challenge, making up his mind to get the job done.  He was amazed at our club’s ability to always come together for a successful meeting, even at the last minute.  He thanked Lucy, Sargent-at-Arms, for always coming ahead of time to set up; she generally goes to work extra-early on meeting nights so she could be in town early before the meetings.  He thanked Sonia for her PR work; she was on top of the web site postings with immediate responses to requests.  He thanked Ian for his continued work to keep membership numbers up; Ian makes everyone feel at home when they come to meetings, especially guests.  He makes phone calls to encourage members and guests.  He thanked Uta, our Treasurer.  Uta is the voice of experience who guides us all towards our goal of President’s Distinguished.  She gives confidence to members.  She encourages the safe, fun meeting atmosphere that our club is known for.  Uta always has a pocket speech-- just in case, so our meetings are never lacking in quality.  He thanked Elaine for being secretary, posting the minutes on the Club Blog.  Members are encouraged to read the minutes, as they will be surprised at the quality; she does use her poetic license with the recording of minutes (sorry, Tom).  He thanked Joe, the VP of Education, for undertaking the daunting task of keeping track of our Club achievements and progress.  He thanked Area Governor Rachel for her work on the social media which has put our footprint out there on the web.  He especially thanked Past President Kate for forcing him to be President, a role that has transformed his life.
                He thanked everyone at Eagles Toastmasters for the team effort that has allowed us to get things done.  There is always someone who steps up when the need is there--amazing! 
                Chandra finally hit us with the bad news:  He is transferring to a new professional position in Texas.  He has great credentials with his doctorate in the field of science, his wonderful family, and now his achievements in Toastmasters.  By luck, he got a job in the area where his 2 brothers now work and reside.  We will miss all that he brought to the Club and to his position as President.  He became the heart of the Club this year, with his communications, his inspirational speeches, and his caring.  His last meeting will be April 1; and he will be missed.  There will be a lucky Toastmaster’s Club in Texas that will, undoubtedly, be gifted with Chandra as a member.
                He wants to let all know that his Toastmaster Journey transformed him—the key:  Be Positive.

General Evaluator:  Rachel

Evaluator 1:  Dawid for Kate—Kate’s excellent presentation featured her images of 3 personality types you might find in the field of sales.  She directed their actions towards the moral of the story—Know your game; play fairly.

Evaluator 2:  Ian for Richard—“Making Them Laugh” is a difficult speech.  Rich did it all—he had originality in good taste.  The baboon story got our attention.  He then organized the speech by 1) Getting the flu shot; 2) Getting the flu; 3) Getting the cure.  He had a strong theme, and kept moving to further energize the speech and keep our attention. 

Evaluator 3:  Chandra for Andrew—Chandra is still waiting for the Camel to appear in Andrew’s speech. 

Timer:  Sonia
Ah Counter:  Susanne—Speeches did not contain “ah’s” and “um’s”, quite unusual.
Grammarian:  Elaine

General Evaluator:  Rachel complimented Jessica for taking on the role of the Toastmaster for the first time.  Taking on the role for the first time is truly a learning experience and takes a lot of courage.  Members are reminded that the Toastmaster is responsible for getting the agenda run off (or for getting another member to run off the agenda).   To make the job easier, the Toastmaster can allow those taking on the roles to give the job description.  Everyone is encouraged to take on the role of Toastmaster.  Our club has a way of helping out so even a beginner can run a successful meeting.  Jessica was entertaining and proved herself to be a natural speaker, besides.

President’s Remarks:  Chandra elicited comments from guests.  Most were impressed with the safety and trust in the room, especially with the comfort and acceptance within the group.  Evaluations were not intimidating, but were supportive.  Several guests are considering joining.  Guests feel welcomed and comfortable at meetings.
We have been President’s Distinguished for 11 straight years.  The 20 year Anniversary will be next year.  Some of us guaranteed that Chandra would go out as the President of our 12th year as a President’s Distinguished Club.
March 18 will be the International Speech Contest/Table Topics Contest.  Lucy is chairperson; please respond to her e-mails for signing up for roles to help out.  We have 3 Table Topics Contestants and 6 Speech Contestants.  Kate and Rachel have volunteered to be in charge of refreshments.  Please sign up to contribute to refreshments.
25 Members and guests were present.
At a post-meeting Officer’s pow-wow, Kate agreed to act as Interim President until the next president is elected. 

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