Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Chilling, Relaxing and having Fun with Friends

Dear Eagles,
After a long long time we did not have any guests at our meeting, but then it allowed us to chill, it allowed us to relax, it allowed us to take actions on the bucket list of items that were being postponed.

Today, it goes with out saying, we had fun. We had Richard as table topics master surprised all the table topics volunteers by asking them to bridge their favorite activity with phrases like why "do the people below equator roll down", "sals alarm clock", "large families like of Van Gogh's with weird names". It was absolute fun, but the volunteers did a fantastic job.

We had 5 excellent speeches ranging from the value of free enterprise read by Tom Corrigan, Help Willy's Friends - a non profit organization for pets narrated by Robin, Be There for the orphanage kids - an experience shared by Ute, Winter Wonderland - a picturesque description of all kinds of winter activities described by Lucy and then the Magic Bus - a tale of struggles of a poor student reminded by Andrew. All the speeches were excellent.

Today, as a group, we decided to buy the projector for the club. Is there anyone tech savvy who wants help us in the selection process? That would be most appreciated. We will get this by end of March if not sooner. Today we decided to extend the meetup membership this year. It costs us $144 per year. We have money now, but for a small club like ours, we cannot afford $144 every year. It is not sustainable. Our Treasurer to look into possible solutions.

Club level spring international speech contest and table topics contest will be held on March 18th. I highly encourage everyone to participate. Speech contest will be 5-7 min and the table topics from 2-3 min. We need contest chair, judges, timers etc etc.... Please let me know if you are interested in taking any of the roles.

Last year we benefited from conducting a workshop. This year we will have it on April 1st. Lucy to  check the room availability for 1st. Let us all be involved and make the workshop a resounding success. This workshop is open for guests and members as well. If you want to volunteer and contribute, please let us know.

As I said earlier, today we had fun, we relaxed and we chilled. Please sign up for the roles.

Goodnight and see you all in 2 weeks on March 4th.


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