Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Achieved Distinguished Club Status - Thanks to all of you

Dear Eagles,
    I think we do are flying high these days. At the beginning of June when I reluctantly, hesitantly, timidly accepted the role of President kindly offered by Kate, our past President, if you had asked me if we would be distinguished by November, my answer would be of course NO; if you had asked me if we would be having a least 20 members at a meeting in mid November, my answer would be you must be New to the club; if you had asked me if we would be adding 12 new members by November, my answer would be you must be Smoking. Believe it or not, to my utmost surprise, all the above three miracles ( at least to me) have happened, and I have to thank all of you, the officers, the team for us flying high. Amidst of all the above miracles, the common thread, the bond, the glue that ties us together, that helps us achieve the wonders, that helps us reach new heights is the laughter and the fun we have at our meetings..... Yes, for this we are all part of the show - thanks and congratulations to all of us and we should pat ourselves at the back.

We had another phenomenal meeting with 20 people including Deb, Mahesh and Rich as invited guests from 3M, and of course we added Sarah as our new member to our family. Please join me in welcoming Sarah.

Nomophobia - fear of not having a mobile, was the word of the day....

Andrew set the stage for tonight's show by his immaculate acting, voice maneuvering, whistling and howling in delivering the joke. Good job. This was the 2nd longest joke in our club's history... The longest joke is also held by Andrew BTW.

Kate was smooth and instructive as the toastmaster, Joe used Thanksgiving as Table topics tonight and Richard as general evaluator was at his best like he is always.... We can't expect any less from these three...

Lucy gave her 3rd speech titled "You must know the nature of the emergency" where she told us how research went into coming with easy to remember the three numbers "9 1 1," some of us understand the purpose and value of it and some of us abuse it without understanding the consequences not only to self but also putting others in grave danger who are in greater need of that valuable, timely help. She is a great composer of a story and laid it well with personal stories and comical stories from others.... Lucy, magic number for you is 7.

Shari told us the trick of " How to grow the brain." It is rather simple, all you got to do is learn at least 2 languages, I mean become bilingual. She provided us several resources to learn, practice and further develop it and she said it is never too late to get one more language under our wings. Her speech had one of the best closings when she ended her speech in Spanish giving an extra umph to her speech. Great job Shari... As Ute mentioned, give a speech a month... Awesome!

Tami demonstrated us how laughter can be the best medicine ever in her speech. She had the whole room follow her in following the 5 simple rules on how to laugh and generate laugh whether real or fake. Oh BTW, it does not matter whether the laughter is real or fake, but the benefits are real..., who will say no to that? Tami, great job. If you can get the whole room worked up and follow you, that means you are doing a great job... Carry on! Tami's speech was great, everyone laughed, and the speech evaluation given by Tom was equally funny.... He said these memorable words "good introduction, good conclusion and heck of a body," and with that the whole room went bananas...

I gave the 4th speech as a car salesman. I ensured that if there was a hiring manager in the party, I would never ever be considered for the sales job. Thanks for all the support from the members to reach my time limit when I was running short... That was a perfect example of a team effort....

Our next meeting is in 2 weeks on Dec 3rd. Don't forget, we go to a local bar after the meeting and the first round is on the President. So if you dont like me, this is your chance to make me PAY :)

Goodnight, sign up for the roles and see you all in 2 weeks.


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