Tuesday, June 19, 2012

President's distinguished for the 11th consecutive year- a feat to celebrate

Dear All,

We had our last meeting of the 2011-2012 year and what a night it was. We had 4 prepared speeches including 1 icebreaker from Andrew. Andrew closed his speech with the quote from Einstein "once you stop learning you start dying."

Joe really stole the thunder by telling and showing us in exquisite detail how to make a good margarita. His margaritas were so good that he was asked/forced to open a margarita counter and he served drinks for all the members who wanted to try. I had a margarita and I personally would rate Joe's margarita very very high in my favorite drinks list.

Sonia shared with us how a simple choice of balanced diet and exercise would go a long way in losing the extra weight most of us would like to get rid of with out relying on the pills, gizmos etc etc. Congratulations Robin for finishing CC. Robin gave a speech on fulfilling our dreams and she quoted that " the only thing stopping you from fulfilling your dream is YOU."

And finally, with Robin's CC, we achieved Presidents distinguished for the 11th consecutive year. Rich Couture one of our guests yesterday and also a past district governor (2004-05) shared this interesting stat that only 2 clubs out of 150+ in our district have achieved this feat so far and we are one of the 2. We should be all very proud of this accomplishment and take a moment to celebrate (Joe's margaritas already set the tone).I would like to thank all the members for this achievement and especially Kate for her leadership.

Our next meeting, the first for the 2012-2013, will be on July 2nd at our usual location. Please join and of course sign up for the roles.

See you all in 2 weeks.


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