Monday, June 25, 2012

June 23rd TLI - 4 officers from our club got trained

Dear All,
Just want to give  a quick update on today's TLI. Four officers from our club - Lucy, Sonia, Elaine and myself have attended the training.

This was my 2nd TLI and my first as President elect. In short the TLI was good. It was good to hear everyone emphasize on the "Members" and at the same time focus on the DCP ( distinguished club program) and the CSP ( club success program). I sat through the DCP course given by Will Ryan and The Better speakers lead to the Better Clubs course given by Don Smith. Both Will and Don are very accomplished speakers and were very comfortable in answering many of our questions and concerns. I also sat through the open forums for Presidents hosted by Jeff Sobel, the in-coming District Governor. This session was good and realized how difficult many clubs find to become distinguished club forget abt President's Distinguished. During this session it dawned me on the magnitude of our club's achievement of President's Distinguished for the 11th consecutive year. I felt proud to be part of Eagles for a moment during the session. 

Lucy, Sonia and Elaine thanks for attending the TLI. I hope you found it useful . Please share your thoughts with us.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

President's distinguished for the 11th consecutive year- a feat to celebrate

Dear All,

We had our last meeting of the 2011-2012 year and what a night it was. We had 4 prepared speeches including 1 icebreaker from Andrew. Andrew closed his speech with the quote from Einstein "once you stop learning you start dying."

Joe really stole the thunder by telling and showing us in exquisite detail how to make a good margarita. His margaritas were so good that he was asked/forced to open a margarita counter and he served drinks for all the members who wanted to try. I had a margarita and I personally would rate Joe's margarita very very high in my favorite drinks list.

Sonia shared with us how a simple choice of balanced diet and exercise would go a long way in losing the extra weight most of us would like to get rid of with out relying on the pills, gizmos etc etc. Congratulations Robin for finishing CC. Robin gave a speech on fulfilling our dreams and she quoted that " the only thing stopping you from fulfilling your dream is YOU."

And finally, with Robin's CC, we achieved Presidents distinguished for the 11th consecutive year. Rich Couture one of our guests yesterday and also a past district governor (2004-05) shared this interesting stat that only 2 clubs out of 150+ in our district have achieved this feat so far and we are one of the 2. We should be all very proud of this accomplishment and take a moment to celebrate (Joe's margaritas already set the tone).I would like to thank all the members for this achievement and especially Kate for her leadership.

Our next meeting, the first for the 2012-2013, will be on July 2nd at our usual location. Please join and of course sign up for the roles.

See you all in 2 weeks.


Monday, June 18, 2012

Eagle Toastmasters Meeting of June 4, 2012

President’s Remarks: Kate
Today’s Toastmaster: Rachel
Humorist: Tom C.
Quotemaster: Udaya       
Word of the Day Joe “Guitapens” ambush or trap
Note: This is the word that a student spelled to win the National Spelling Bee.

Table Topics: Robin presented a thought-provoking topic—Colors

Speaker 1
Robin—CC, IYour Body Speaksr; 5-7 minutes, “Hiking, Are You Ready?”
Robin gave us a comprehensive list of items for our backpacks when hiking:
· Sunscreen
· Insect spray
· Water
· Map
· Compass
· Snack bar
· Hand Sanitizer
· Hat
· Sweatshirt (in case…)
· Rain pants and coat )in case…)
· Treking pole
· Lighter for fire (in case…)
· Headlamp (in case…)
· Whistle (in case…)
· First Aid Kit in case
· Hiking boots with socks and sock liners
· Wine for celebrating at the top i(n case you get there)
Speaker 2,
Kate—CC, Your Body Speaks,, 5-7 minutes, “One Person’s Junk Is Another Person’s Treasure”
Kate Inspired us to take a look at tag sales as a source of bargains, including money-makers. Congratulations to Kate on her 10th Speech.
Speaker 3,
Uta—CC, Icebreaker, 4-6 minutes, “Potatoes & Bread or Rice & Beans?”
Uta gave yet another inspiring speech. She spoke about her new life where she will be donating money to make a difference in the lives of 20 children in an orphanage in India. She is helping to finance a well for water, communicating through skyping.

General Evaluator: Kate
Evaluator 1: Udaya for Robin—Robin’s props added power to the delivery, allowing us to remember what is important. Her body language, not only spoke to us, but yelled quite loudly, as she used body language at least 50% of the time.\

Evaluator 2: Joe for Kate—Kate’s vocal variety was remarkable as her range went from a whisper to excitement, drawing us into her world. She used role playing at each of 3 tag sales, allowing us to feel like we were there. Her use of pauses added effectiveness to her vocal variety.

Evaluator 3: Tami for Uta—Tami evaluated Uta’s 16thIce Breaker. Uta’s journey from the past to the present and into the future touched our hearts, as she inspired us with the emotion in her voice.

Ah-Counter: Lucy
Timer: Sonia
Grammarian: Tom P.
*Reminder to members: 
· Use--“I hope….” Rather than “…hopefully”
· “Kids” are goats
· Try to avoid “a lot” unless you mean a car lot or a housing lot
· Avoid: …and….and…and…

President Kate:  New Officer
  • President: Chandra
  • VP Education: Joe
  • VP Membership: Ian
  • VP Public Relations: Raches (Sonia, Tami)
  • Sgt. Arms: Lucy
  • Secretary: Elaine
  • Treasurer: Uta
One more speech from Robin and we have 9 points. Uta can bring us to a perfect 10.

Eagle Toastmasters Meeting of May 21, 2012

Meeting of May 21, 2012

Sgt. At Arms Opening the Meeting:  Chandra

President’s Remarks:  Kate

Today’s Toastmaster:  Joe

Humorist:   Richard

Quote:  Hyunsoo Park


Word of the Day:  Lucy D’Angelo

Capricious adj. Characterized by or subject to whim; impulsive and unpredictable.

Table Topics:  Robin

Speaker 1

Sally Carter—CC, Icebreaker; 4-6 minutes,  “All About Me”

Speaker 2,

Tom Corrigan—CC, Organize Your Speech, 5-7 minutes, “Eat Right, Exercise, and…”

Speaker 3,

Robin Corrigan—CC, Inspire Your Audience, 5-7 minutes, “Who Does Not Want to Be a Better Speaker?”

Speaker 4

Richard Mead—AC, Tall Tale, 4-6 minutes, “Flawed Pill”

Speaker 5

Uta—AC, Humorous Speaking, l #1: Warm up your audience, “Who Is the Best?”

General Evaluator:  Robin

Evaluator 1:  Chandra

Evaluator 2:  Tom P.

Evaluator 3:  Tom C

Evaluator 4:  Kate

Evaluator 5:  Ian

Ah-Counter:  Ian

Timer:  Santhana Krishnan Murugesian

Grammarian:  Joe