Monday, May 18, 2020

Eagle Toastmasters 5/18/2020 Meeting


Tonight's meeting featured 18 members, 4 guests, and 1 birthday girl....Happy Birthday Debbie Herget!!!!

Let's get right to the action.....

Speaker #1 was Sandra Centorino. Sandra gave a presentation to educate us on the 7 club officer roles. Sandra explained how the officers individually, and collectively, lead our club to help us grow as public speakers and leaders.

Speaker #2 was, hmmmmmm.....Sandra Centorino! Sandra's project was to interview several Eagles Toastmaster officers. The interview provided the interviewees opportunities to share why they became officers. Each officer had his or her own story about why they chose to serve our club. While the reasons for each officer was different, the one thing they shared was a deep connection to our club!

Now a message from our sponsor.....

May is "officer month"! By the end of May, we need to elect an officer team. If you have any interest in serving our club and gaining valuable leadership experience, please reach out to any of our current officers. Feel free to reply to this email and I will share your interest with the officer team.

Back to our meeting.....

Speaker #3, Deep Tawari, gave his Icebreaker entitled Curiosity and Honesty. Deep share an insight about how several childhood experiences deeply influenced the type of adult he became.....all based on honesty. As Deep's speech hit the six minute mark, he decided to defer his story about curiosity for a future meeting.....Now I'm curious!

Joseph Oddie, Speaker #4, gave a speech titled Grape Expectations. Joseph shared a story about how cherry picking a few grapes made him a bad apple....Joseph shared how a tough lesson he learned as a young man has lasted him a lifetime.

Tom Corrigan, our Table Topicsmaster, provided our members and guests the opportunity to talk about what they like most about summer. Our speakers had the opportunity to share how they are looking forward to summer by sharing experiences from summers past.

Many thanks to all of our dignitaries not mentioned above that made tonight's meeting another terrific experience! Ian Brooks, General Evaluator and Grammarian....Evaluators Ann McGuire, Christine Austin, and Robin Corrigan. Evaluator and Timer, Markus Schumacher...and Ah Counter Chan Kyi.

Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday June 1st. We will put up the agenda shortly...please sign up for something!

Tony Centorino
Eagle Toastmasters Secretary

Monday, May 4, 2020

May 4th Eagle Toastmasters Meeting


Tonight's meeting featured 12 members, 1 guest, and 5 cats!

Ann McGuire, tonight's Toastmaster, solemnly announced that her cat was a no-show. 

Speaker #1, Sandra Centorino, spoke out of the Pathways Visionary Communicator Path about a small project that she is leading. She explained the scope of her project, which is to educate and motivate our fellow Eagles to consider taking on leadership roles. Please join us on May 18th to learn about the seven officer roles. Sandra will also show a short video clip of a panel discussion of 4 officers.

Joseph Oddie, Speaker #2, gave an impromptu speech called "When Opportunity Knocks, Cross the Picket Line". Joseph shared a story about how he outsold his competitor (at a price premium, no less) by processing blood during a labor strike.

While the evaluators were feverishly completing their evaluation forms, Ian Brooks, led a COVID 19 inspired Table Topics. We learned that Maryanne Shirshac likes white wine, and about how Diana and Ross Grippen try to "do more doing and less time being". Kate Kelly shared the perspective of her Australian coworkers during these challenging times.

Special thanks to all of the dignitaries that made tonight's meeting a success....Not least of which is Ann McGuire, a first time Toastmaster! Other functionaries include Tony Centorino (General Evaluator, Evaluator, and Ah Counter), Omar Ghannam (Evaluator), Kate Kelly (Timer) and Ian Brooks (Grammarian).

Our next meeting will take place on May 18th! Please log onto and sign up for a role!

Tony Centorino - DTM
Eagle Toastmasters Secretary