Friday, March 6, 2015

March 2nd Eagle Toastmaster Meeting

Fellow Toastmasters,

On March 2nd we had a unique evening to meet under the bright lights and in front of the cameras at Wallingford Public Access TV. Here are the highlights.

Tom Corrigan’s skill and experience was on display as our Toastmaster. He kept the meeting moving and stuck to the agenda. Robin Corrigan wore multiple hats….she was the Table Topics Master, General Evaluator, and the speech evaluator for two speeches. As the TT Master, she encouraged two of our newest members, Jeff and Ruchi, to speak in front of the cameras.

In commemoration of Dr. Seuss’s birthday, Rachel Mele provided a Dr. Seuss humor moment. Shannon Breaux, another “newbie”, provided a Dr. Seuss quote from a special book.

We had four speeches from our newer members. Deb Haggett set the tone with an inspirational speech that showed that “if you can see it and believe it, you can achieve it”. The Inspire speech is the longest speech (8-10 minutes) in the first CC manual and she did it without notes!

Alison Centorino gave her icebreaker last evening. Allie’s speech, “The Giving Girl”, communicated how friendships are about “quality not quantity” and the importance of helping others. She set the bar high for her next speech!

Sandra Centorino’s speech, Wine and Spirits, described a magical evening as a designated driver. Her “How to Say it” speech painted a vivid picture with her words.

Speaking of driving, Heather McKelvey brought her car to life…..13 years and 160,000 miles. That car gave Heather the best years of its life!

Our Eagle family is now 23 members strong. Last night was Shannon’s and Ruchi’s first meeting as new members and they are no longer the newest. Jill Wruble just signed up….I look forward to meeting her at our next meeting!

Our next meeting is a Toastmaster International speech contest on 3/16. Rachel sent out the details. Please consider signing up for a role. More to follow…..

See you on 3/16!
