President Welcome: Suzanne Morse
Welcomes 2 guests Lisa and Visiting John Area Governor.
Toastmaster: Ian Brooks ACS.
Humor Master: Robin Corrigan.
Word Master: Elaborate.
Quote of the Day:
Table Topics: Tom Corrigan. Speaker 1 Megan: Favorite activities at the
beach are a good read swimming and a thrilling Jet skiing outing. Speaker 2
Anthony: Moon landing worth it – lots of technologies gained. Mentioned we have 1.8 million more computing
power than on the original moon landing vehicle. Speaker 3 Chris: Free vacation offered to multiple European
cities or 1 city. He has traveled and
mentioned both … says it’s nice to stay in one place for a while to get to know
the area and people. Speaker 4: Tom P.
Will soccer overtake baseball and football as America’s favorite sport? NO emphatically. Too sophisticated. Cannot tell when soccer starts and ends. Speaker 5: Anesa. What can be done about bullying? Starts at home. Educate Parents on how to raise
children. People stepping up and
declaring what not right.
Speeches: 3
Sandra’s speech— Parents wanted to name her Santa but
compromised with Sandra which means helper of humanity. Married Buster (Tony), 2 girls Stephanie and
Alison. Started ‘Cure chief’ which made
soft head covers for Cancer patients..
She ended that business and started “say it forward” positive quotes to
cure negativity.
Tony’s speech— aka. Buster, talked about his years with GE
from a Computer Science degree to a present Account Executive. He travels about 60% , deals with large Power
Plants to the $50 dollar meter in your home.
He works on providing solutions.
He is Toastmasters to become better speaker with dealing with CEO’s and
VP’s. Conversation has changed over the
years. There is less time and must be practical.
Cartlton’s : He is a
movie buff and pointed out where his name was used on TV; “Carlton the doorman”
He prefers to observe than be heard that is why he is with our Toastmasters
group. He is a music Connoisseur 90’s hip hop. UConn Husky Graduate. He works to convince Men and women to end
violence. He says he is an “Average
Evaluator: Elaine Piazza, ACB
Robin for Sandra: Great Visual Aid. Steps in front of
Lectern. Confident, Humor great, Natural speaking Ability.
Ian for Tony: In the first 5
seconds mane an enormous impression.
Nice posture, clear strong confident speaking voice.
Susanne for Carlton: Very well presented,
good tone. Speech reflected adequate
preparation and had a Great opening!
Counter: Anesa Great accurate counts.
Grammarian: Chris. Careful of past tense. I made myself clear .vs. I have made myself
clear. Watch for double negatives. Gonna .vs. going to. Word of the Day used the most by Ian (4).
Timer: Megan All were in time; only a couple a little
18 were present
including 2 guests.