Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Eagle Toastmaster Meeting of July 7, 2014

President calls meeting to order at 7:15 sharp:  Suzanne reminded Officers to attend the Officers’ Training this Saturday, July 12 at Hamden Hall Country Day School.  Any member can attend to gain further insight into the organization.  She also welcomed our 7 newest members:  Meghan, Anesa, Cassie, Christopher, Rosanne, Sandra, and Tony.

Toastmaster:  Robin graciously filled in.

Humor Master:  Tom C.
Word Master:  Contemplate—to look at carefully, thoughtfully—A toastmaster should contemplate the many opportunities offered by the Toastmaster Organization.
Quote of the Day:  Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.  John Lubbock

Table Topics:  Susanne posed topics relating to Independence Day.  Kate opted not to speak about her rebellious days, instead reminiscing about her spectacular 4th of July experience in San Francisco, where she and her son witnessed fireworks over the Golden Gate Bridge.  Sandra spoke about writing her own National Anthem with a little help from Bruce Springsteen.  Tom C. spoke about the 4th being his favorite holiday because each can celebrate in his/her own way with no imperatives.  He chose to visit Roger Sherman’s grave at the Grove Street Cemetery with historical re-enactment.

Speeches:  3 Icebreakers
Cassie’s speech—“People Matter” highlighted 3 mentors that led to her career as a College Ice Hockey Coach.  Her mission is to empower others just as she was empowered by her teachers and coaches.

Kevin’s speech—“Life’s Been Good For Me So Far” chronicled his journey from the Viet Nam refugee boat at age 11 to his educational experiences that has enabled him outstanding success as an engineer.  His optimism despite an unfortunate childhood is inspiring.

Meghan, the ultimate UCONN Huskie, chronicled the interesting experiences of her life.  Just before the end of her speech, she transformed into an experienced Toastmaster as she described her passion for reading.

General Evaluator:  Tom C.
Elaine for Cassie:  Cassie’s potential came through with her focus on “people that matter”.
Rachel for Kevin:  Kevin was able to speak without notes the first time out.  His success despite the language barrier can only continue with the Toastmaster experience.
Kate for Meghan:  Kate was impressed with Meghan’s increased confidence as the speech progressed.

Ah Counter:   Roseanne
Grammarian:  Chris
Timer:  Rich
18 were present including 2 guests.
Reminder:  Next Meeting is July 21; all should sign up for roles.