House of May 7, 2012
President: Kate thanked the Library for
use of the facility for the Open House..
Toastmaster: Uta
Humorist: Tom Piekarski and Chandra
Word of the Day: Tom C.-Abridge: To shorten, to reduce as in an “abridged dictionary”
Quote: Robin
wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to
improve the world!”
Anne Frank
Table Topics: Richard—
the final table topic, Chandra described the Table Topics Master, Rich, as
being humorous, experienced, and full of mentoring advice that makes coming to
Eagle Toastmasters very time efficient.
Ah-Counter: Sonia
Timer: Fred
Speaker 1, Robin—CC
Manual; “Get comfortable with Visual Aids”; 5-7 minutes; “Skip the Chips” Robin
came up with visuals to drive home the ways to observe a healthy lifestyle:
Skip the chips and eat carrots
Actually work out in the gym where you have a
gym membership
Substitute whole wheat products for white
Perform jumping jacks as the weight bearing
exercise that benefits the bones, thus decreasing the risk of debilitating
Walk for cardio-respiratory fitness; use hand
weights to increase effectiveness
Do push-ups and sit-ups for core strength
Use the stairs instead of the elevator
Hold the roll when eating hamburgers
Skip French fries and soda
Tom Corrigan—CC Manual; Speech # ; “Say
It Right”; Speak to Inform; Speak to Confuse”
Tom showed how simple explanations can make a complicated subject
understandable. He also pointed out how
some use words to confuse the public, notable experts include the advertising
profession and politicians.
Speaker 3, Kate
Kelly—CC Manual; Speech #5 “To Inspire”
shared a true, memorable incident during which her son Andrew went out of his way to help a motorist in
distress; this motorist’s husband was so appreciative of Andrew’s character
that the husband gave him an internship that has become his dream job.
Evaluator: Robin Corrigan
1: Ian for Robin—Robin presented another
effective speech that we will remember because of the visual aids.
2: Elaine for Tom C.—Tom chose to discuss
“words”, reminding people to be cautious when interpreting the meaning behind
words meant to sway the public. .
3: Eoj for Kate –Joe, alias Eoj, commented on
how Kate inspired by appealing to the Head (intellect), Eye, and Heart of the
Grammarian: Fred
President: Kate invited all members and
guests to enjoy the refreshments. Guests
indicated that they would like to join Toastmasters.